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How To Create Aliases in Linux: A Beginner’s Guide

In Linux, aliases are a powerful feature that allows you to create shortcuts for frequently used commands. Instead of typing long or complex commands each time, you can define an alias that represents the command, making your workflow faster and more efficient. This guide will introduce you to the concept of aliases in Linux, show you how to create them, and provide some practical examples.

What is an Alias in Linux?

An alias in Linux is essentially a shortcut or a command that represents a longer command or a series of commands. When you type an alias name in the terminal, Linux will replace it with the corresponding command or script. This can save you time and reduce the complexity of frequently used commands.

Benefits of Using Aliases:

  • Saves time: Instead of typing out long commands, you can just type a short alias.
  • Reduces errors: Using aliases can help you avoid repetitive typing and reduce human error.
  • Improves productivity: You can create aliases for tasks you do often, making your workflow faster and more efficient.

How to Create an Alias in Linux

In Linux, you can create an alias using the alias command. The general syntax for creating an alias is:

alias [alias_name]='[command]'

For example, if you wanted to create an alias for the command ls -la, which lists all files and directories in long format, you could create the alias like this:

alias ll='ls -la'

Now, whenever you type ll in the terminal, it will execute ls -la instead.

Temporary Aliases

When you create an alias using the alias command in the terminal, it will only last for the current session. Once you close the terminal or restart your computer, the alias will be gone.

For example, you can create a temporary alias by simply typing the following:

alias cls='clear'

Now, if you type cls in the terminal, it will execute the clear command (which clears the terminal screen). However, as soon as you close the terminal session, this alias will be lost.

Making Aliases Permanent

To make an alias permanent (i.e., available across sessions and reboots), you need to add the alias command to your shell’s configuration file. For most Linux distributions, this file is either .bashrc or .bash_profile, depending on your shell (Bash is the default for most users).

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Open your shell configuration file with a text editor: For Bash, open the .bashrc file: nano ~/.bashrc If you are using Zsh, you would typically edit the .zshrc file: nano ~/.zshrc
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the file and add your alias definitions. For example: alias ll='ls -la' alias gs='git status' alias cls='clear'
  3. Save and close the file. In nano, press CTRL + O to save, then CTRL + X to exit.
  4. To apply the changes, either restart your terminal or source the configuration file: source ~/.bashrc

Common Alias Examples

Here are some common aliases that many Linux users create to streamline their workflow.

1. Listing Files and Directories

Instead of typing the full ls -la command every time to view detailed directory contents, you can create an alias:

alias ll='ls -la'

This alias will list all files (including hidden ones) in long format with permissions, owner information, file size, and last modification date.

2. Navigating Directories

You can also create an alias to navigate quickly to a frequently used directory. For example, if you frequently work in a folder named “projects” inside your home directory, you could create the following alias:

alias cdprojects='cd ~/projects'

Now, typing cdprojects in the terminal will take you straight to your “projects” directory.

3. Clearing the Terminal

The clear command is often used to clear the terminal screen. You can create an alias to make this command shorter:

alias cls='clear'

Now, typing cls will clear your terminal window.

4. Upgrading the System

If you frequently run system update commands, you can create an alias for that as well. For example, for updating a system on Debian-based distributions (like Ubuntu), you could create:

alias update='sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade'

Now, typing update will update both the package list and installed packages.

5. Checking Disk Usage

If you frequently check your disk usage with the df -h command (which shows disk space in a human-readable format), you can create the following alias:

alias diskusage='df -h'

Now, typing diskusage will show your disk space in a concise and readable format.

6. Searching for Files

If you often use the find command to search for files in your system, you can create an alias that combines it with some useful options. For example, to search for all .txt files in your home directory:

alias findtxt='find ~ -name "*.txt"'

Now, typing findtxt will search for all .txt files in your home directory.

7. Simplifying git Commands

If you use Git regularly, you can create aliases for common Git commands. For example:

alias gs='git status'
alias gl='git log --oneline'
alias gp='git push'

Now, you can use gs to check the status of your Git repository, gl to view the log, and gp to push changes.

8. Checking System Information

If you need to check your system’s memory usage or other information regularly, you can create aliases for these commands. For example:

alias meminfo='free -h'
alias sysinfo='lscpu'

Now, typing meminfo will show your system’s memory usage, and sysinfo will provide details about your CPU.

9. Shortcuts for Web Browsing

If you use the terminal-based web browser w3m, you could create an alias like this to quickly open a webpage:

alias google='w3m'

This will open Google directly in the terminal.

Deleting or Modifying Aliases

If you no longer need an alias or want to change it, you can easily modify it. To delete an alias, use the unalias command. For example:

unalias ll

This will remove the ll alias. To modify an alias, simply update it in your shell configuration file and reload the file with source ~/.bashrc (or source ~/.zshrc).


Aliases are a great way to simplify your command-line experience in Linux, especially if you find yourself typing the same commands repeatedly. By creating aliases, you can save time, reduce typing errors, and increase your productivity.

Now that you know how to create, modify, and delete aliases in Linux, you can tailor your terminal environment to suit your needs. Experiment with different alias setups to improve your Linux experience, and make your workflow more efficient.

Happy aliasing!